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With a child, parents grow 

As your baby grows older and becomes more autonomous,

developing its own will, conflicts in the parent-child relationship may arise.

Numerous parents seek advice and support for this phase of their parenthood.

KannerPerspektiv - Wutufäll, Sträit, Iessproblemer, Schlofproblemer - Crises de colères, conflits, disputes, sommeil, alimentation - Wutanfälle, Streit, Konflikte, Schlafprobleme, Essprobleme - Tantrums, conflicts, fighting, sleep, eating

The most frequently addressed topics are:


  • Eating and/or sleeping issues

  • Dealing with strong emotional outbursts and tantrums

  • Handling persistent conflicts: teeth brushing, getting dressed and more 

  • Coping with the autonomy phase (commonly referred to as defiance)​

  • Jealousy and quarrels among siblings

  • Communication issues: My child never listens to me!

Schedule individual counselling sessions for personalized guidance in navigating family life

or enroll in different parenting classes such as 'Little Explorers' and other interactive workshops.

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